Nine of Consciousness – Serenity
(Cards of Truth)
Nine of Consciousness – Serenity
(Cards of Truth)
Serenity is a precious and rare moment in which suspension of judgment becomes a mode of existence. It has a reconciliation and acceptance of things and reality as they are. Serenity awakes curiosity and observation without an objective, since it involves engaging with existence, rather than avoiding it. It allows confrontation without fighting, settling in anger without getting angry. Unconditionally accepting the illusion of existence, freeing ourselves from the tyranny of worries and guilt in order to rejoice in the feeling of pleasure in action. Feeling comfortable with oneself.
Serenity involves freedom from the modes of regulating experience and reality, freedom from the modes of regulating mind and emotion. It is found beyond use and utility, beyond result and solution. In a poetic way, we can say that serenity spares existence from experience.
Serenity requires the right conditions, most importantly: Eliminating pain and sorrow, and a sense of security. However, it is important not to confuse conditions with purpose. One should be careful not to set conditions for serenity. Rather, one must make room for it to inhabit, so that it can imbue us and our surroundings.
“What is blessed and indestructible has no troubles itself, nor does it give trouble to anyone else;” (Epicurus)
Serenity is a precious and rare moment in which suspension of judgment becomes a mode of existence. It has a reconciliation and acceptance of things and reality as they are. Serenity awakes curiosity and observation without an objective, since it involves engaging with existence, rather than avoiding it. It allows confrontation without fighting, settling in anger without getting angry. Unconditionally accepting the illusion of existence, freeing ourselves from the tyranny of worries and guilt in order to rejoice in the feeling of pleasure in action. Feeling comfortable with oneself.
Serenity involves freedom from the modes of regulating experience and reality, freedom from the modes of regulating mind and emotion. It is found beyond use and utility, beyond result and solution. In a poetic way, we can say that serenity spares existence from experience.
Serenity requires the right conditions, most importantly: Eliminating pain and sorrow, and a sense of security. However, it is important not to confuse conditions with purpose. One should be careful not to set conditions for serenity. Rather, one must make room for it to inhabit, so that it can imbue us and our surroundings.
“What is blessed and indestructible has no troubles itself, nor does it give trouble to anyone else;” (Epicurus)