Nine of Feathers – Ecce Homo
(Truth Cards)
Nine of Feathers – Ecce Homo
(Truth Cards)
“Ecce Homo” proclaims Christ, presenting himself as the son of God, the manifestation of the pure spiritual divinity in a human being. Turning himself into an exemplar of being human. An embodiment of spirit, in passion, in the flesh, in sensuality (aesthetics). Returning to the world. After the anxiety and from within passion. To become the thing to be. To offer a structure of faith, regulation of passions and desires, from a free fall into the heart of existence.
You are standing on a bomb, alert, full of life. Anxiety gives way to a feeling of pleasure that overwhelms you. You feel the wind and the force you are riding, the destructive potential is contained by composure. This is the moment of truth. Alone with yourself and with the commitment to act. This is the time to let go and rely on the fate of the action, the effect of the act beyond judgment of purpose and morality. Time to stand your ground, challenge, rise (from the computer chair) and climb on top of it. Reveal your real feathers. Time to transform the activity organized as work into a craft: a vocation.
Take a deep breath, remember why you are doing what you are doing, spread your wings, and be the man.
“Ecce Homo” proclaims Christ, presenting himself as the son of God, the manifestation of the pure spiritual divinity in a human being. Turning himself into an exemplar of being human. An embodiment of spirit, in passion, in the flesh, in sensuality (aesthetics). Returning to the world. After the anxiety and from within passion. To become the thing to be. To offer a structure of faith, regulation of passions and desires, from a free fall into the heart of existence.
You are standing on a bomb, alert, full of life. Anxiety gives way to a feeling of pleasure that overwhelms you. You feel the wind and the force you are riding, the destructive potential is contained by composure. This is the moment of truth. Alone with yourself and with the commitment to act. This is the time to let go and rely on the fate of the action, the effect of the act beyond judgment of purpose and morality. Time to stand your ground, challenge, rise (from the computer chair) and climb on top of it. Reveal your real feathers. Time to transform the activity organized as work into a craft: a vocation.
Take a deep breath, remember why you are doing what you are doing, spread your wings, and be the man.